Readout Configuration

On the Readout Configuration page, you can set how frequently the device connects to HOBOlink and reads out the latest data. You can also set up an alternate "night mode" connection schedule. Data from RX3000 and RX2100 stations is saved in a database and can be accessed by setting up data exports, which can be run as needed or delivered to an email or FTP/SFTP address automatically on a regular basis. Data from U30 stations is saved to a data file for download and optionally to a text file. You also can set up export and data delivery of files from U30 stations. For more information, see Manage and Share Data.

To change readout settings:

  1. Click Devices and then RX Devices, and find the station you want to configure. Click the arrow next to the icon and select Readout Configuration.
  2. Select the connection interval for the device. This will control how often the device connects to HOBOlink and is offloaded, or read out. At each connection interval, data is uploaded to HOBOlink and your device's page is updated with the latest details, such as sensor readings and graphs. Keep in mind that frequent connections will reduce battery life. The Readout Configuration page shows how many connections will take place per day based on the connection interval you select (not including any connections due to alarms). If your device has a communications plan associated with it, you will also see the percentage of the plan used so far for the month as well as the estimated total usage for the month based on the readout settings. You may need to adjust the connection interval to fit within your communications plan. For more details, see Managing a Communications Plan.
  3. Select the "Night mode" checkbox if you wish to set up a second readout schedule using a different connection schedule during a time frame that you specify. This allows you to set up two readout schedules: one with more frequent connections during a specified period and the other with less frequent connections during a different period. This can help preserve battery power and minimize connection charges (if applicable) if there is a part of the day when you don't need as many data readouts. Select when you want night mode to begin and end for the device's time zone (note that "night mode" does not need to be at night). Enter a different rate in the hours, minutes, and seconds fields than you entered in the Connection Interval fields. Note that the second readout schedule will not begin at precisely the hours you select. Rather, it will begin and end with 1 to 59 minutes of the hours that you selected.
  4. For U30 stations only: Select the "Save data as text file" checkbox if you want the data offloaded from the device to be saved in text file format (.csv) in addition to the default HOBOware format (.dtf). Be sure to select this checkbox if you have any sensors that were scaled in HOBOlink (such as pulses scaled as kWh, for example) because scaled data will not be available in the .dtf file.
  5. Click Save (or click Next to move to the next configuration page). The changes will take effect the next time the device connects to HOBOlink.

Important: Changes made on the Readout Configuration page will not force the device to restart. To restart an RX3000 or RX2100 station, select Start/Stop under Configure in HOBOlink or use the Start/Stop button on the device to stop and then start it again when desired. To restart a U30 station, select "Force relaunch on next connection" in the Launch Configuration page.