Scaling Factors for a FlexSmart TRMS Module and Sensors
When configuring scaling for a FlexSmart TRMS (S-FS-TRMSA-D) module and associated sensors, use the following table to fill in the appropriate fields. For your sensor model part number, enter the Scaled Units, Multiplier, Offset, and Scaled Measurement Type listed below in each of the fields. See Scaling Sensor Data for additional information on scaling.
Sensor Model | Scaled Units | Multiplier | Offset | Scaled Measurement Type |
T-ACT-0750-020 | Amps | 0.0600006 | 0 | Current |
T-ACT-0750-050 | Amps | 0.1500015 | 0 | Current |
T-ACT-0750-100 | Amps | 0.300003 | 0 | Current |
T-ACT-0750-250 | Amps | 0.7500075 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-0400-005 | Amps | 0.01501502 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-0400-010 | Amps | 0.03003003 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-0400-020 | Amps | 0.06006006 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-0400-050 | Amps | 0.15015015 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-0400-075 | Amps | 0.22522523 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SCT-005 | Amps | 0.01501502 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SCT-020 | Amps | 0.06006006 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SCT-050 | Amps | 0.15015015 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SCT-100 | Amps | 0.3003003 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SCT-200 | Amps | 0.6006006 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SCT-600 | Amps | 1.8018018 | 0 | Current |
T-MAG-SPT-150 | VAC | 0.34534535 | 0 | Voltage |
T-MAG-SPT-300 | VAC | 0.69069069 | 0 | Voltage |
T-MAG-SPT-600 | VAC | 1.38138138 | 0 | Voltage |