Sharing a Device Page
Your station's device page is only viewable when you are logged into your account unless you grant public access to the page. To share your device page with others:
- Click User Settings and then Public Access.
- Under By Device, click the checkbox next to each station that you wish to share with others.
- Click Save. This creates a URL for each of the stations selected. Click a URL to preview the page. Note that device information, graphs, and data are available on the public page, but the ability to change device settings is disabled.
- Copy the URL and then share it with others.
Public sharing is available with dashboards. Consider setting up a custom dashboard and making it public rather than sharing the default device page. See Sharing a Dashboard for details.
To disable public access to a device page:
- Click User Settings and then Public Access. Deselect the checkbox next to any device that you do not want to share with others.
- Click Save. The URL associated with that device will no longer function and you will only be able view the device page when logged into your HOBOlink account. You can reselect the checkbox to reactivate the URL and grant public access again.
Note for U30 stations: If you are using the Summary page feature, you can make that page public as well as the device page. To share the summary page:
- Click User Settings and then Public Access.
- Click the My Summary checkbox and click Save. This creates a URL for your custom U30 summary page. Note that when you enable this setting, all stations will be automatically granted public access. Click the URL to preview the page. Copy the URL and then share it with others.